What we learned @ Google Cloud Next '24

AI News ~ Not Noise

A Guide for Businesses: How to implement Gen AI solutions

Malleable.ai had the opportunity to listen to experts from Box, Typeface, Glean, CitiBank, and Securiti Al for actionable tips to effectively implement Al-powered apps across your business. They chatted through real use cases, implementation best practices, and how to measure returns on investment - whether that's in marketing, financial services, HR, or beyond.

The Malleable team has been helping businesses over the past year effectively leverage AI tooling to augment and automate a ranger of tasks across different silos within organizations. The common denominator across companies adopting Gen AI tooling is starting small and simple, ie leverage ChatGPT Teams, Gemini 1.5, Glean, and have an internal Gen adopter within your business provide trainings for your workforce or bring on a team like Malleable to kick start actually leveraging it.

A simple reminder - purchasing Gen AI tooling does nothing for your business…you and your workforce actually need to USE IT. The Malleable team can help ensure that happens.

How to overcome challenges for implementing Gen AI

Challenge 1: Enterprise customers are worried about security implications of using AI

Solution 1: Respecting file permissions, guaranteeing model isolation, and using enterprise grade security

Challenge 2: Customers are unsure how to utilize AI

Solution 2: Make it easy to get started with simple use cases and then grow to more advanced capabilities

Challenge 3: Customers are worried about potential AI costs

Solution 3: Leverage AI solutions in existing tooling customers leverage today so you can try it prior to scaling it

Challenge 4: LLMs lack enterprise-specific knowledge

Solution 4: Powerful search and RAG technology

Challenge 5: Enterprises require the highest levels of governance and security

Solution 5: Secure, private, permissions-aware, and fully reference-able answers

Challenge 6: Knowledge quality is often poor and highly dependent on context

Solution 6: Your unique enterprise knowledge graph, on one centralized AI platform

Challenge 7: Generative AI content creation is limited by the ability to create intelligent user prompts

Solution 7: A platform should be equipped to learn your AI needs and prompts - not the other way around

Challenge 8: Creating targeted content that is aligned with your brand, geos, audiences to take to market fast and at scale is costly and challenging

Solution 8: A platform that can learn your brand and generate content that is within your brand voice and integration into your workflows

Challenge 9: Adopting AI while maintaining responsible AI practices, brand security and governance within the organization

Solution 9: Scalability of governing processes & policies, leveraging the platform comprehensive layers of trust

☁️ Google Cloud Next ‘24 Keynote in under 15 min

  • Google Cloud Next has swiftly followed up just 8 months after its last gathering, showcasing over a thousand advancements in Google Cloud and Google Workspace. With millions participating in Gen AI trainings and significant success stories from customers, Google has solidified its position as the fastest growing cloud provider. Key highlights include the rollout of Gemini, their most advanced AI model, now integrated across various platforms and available to enterprises and developers

Takeaway for Your Team: As we head into next week, consider what challenges resonate with you and your business. What challenges weren’t highlighted that you’d like to explore? Take the next step forward.

Try ChatGPT, Bard, 11ElevenLabs, Superhuman, or connect with the Malleable team for a discovery call to get pointed in the right direction.

Sources: Ben's Bites, The AI Breakdown, AI Tool Report, and the Malleable team.